In talking with a business owner on Monday, he shared that he had just lost a long-time client. While this did not break his business by any means, he felt pressure to replace that ongoing revenue. Plus, it undermined his plans for growth this year. When you are in that situation, it can impact your confidence. When you don’t know where your next client will come from, it is scary to lose an existing client. It feels like you really need to scramble. And frequently, you feel that it must have been something you did or said, when it could really have been any number of things which were completely out of your control. It becomes almost impossible to focus on growing the business. The remedy for this is to have a lot more prospects who want to work with you than you need to maintain and grow your business. That means having a steady flow of prospects coming into your world. And if you do not do business with them immediately, figure out a way to stay in front of them in a helpful, useful way. One of the things I am focusing on for 2017 is doubling the number of qualified prospects who receive my newsletter. It’s one of the best ways I have found to help prospective clients learn more about marketing (something that is important to me), while also letting them know how my business helps people. What can you do in 2017 that will grow the audience of people who are interested in what you do? If you can increase the demand for your services, you can be confident you will have enough clients to continue to grow your business in 2017 and beyond. Confidence really is a numbers game. Contact us if you would like to talk about how you move towards stacking the numbers in your favor.