What was the point?
My boys are involved in quite a few activities, and I am the principal driver since my schedule is more flexible than my wife’s. That...

Practically Brand-Spanking New
Growing up, everyone in my neighborhood had regular jobs. My parents were teachers. The neighbors were a steel worker, a postal carrier,...

The Shame of Pursuing Excellence
In second grade, I can remember the race to get through all of the SRAs. These were reading comprehension texts about all kinds of...

Jumping In with No Clear Plan
To put it mildly, my wife is obsessed with education. While it is not surprising given that she chose to get her Ph.D., it still was a...

That is Going to Leave a Mark
Growing up, we had a lot of animals in our house. At one point, we had one cat, two dogs, two gerbils, and five birds. The most mellow...

Accepting the Inevitable
By the time I was in 4th grade, I was a head taller than most of my classmates. So, it was inevitable that I would be asked to play...

Missing My Projections
It was May of 2003, and I was projecting a $9500 month for my web design business -- a good month at the time. As the end of the month...

Which Family Values are Really Yours?
Growing up in the Coleman household, we were expected to pitch in. When we got up from dinner, everyone helped clean up until everything...

What are the Risks of Playing It Safe?
In seventh grade, we had a semi-formal winter dance at New Brighton Middle School. And while you could theoretically go without a date,...

Getting the Basics Right
The smell of garlic and onions sautéing in olive oil often brings back memories of being in Grandma Leo’s kitchen. She was actually my...

Finding My Own Path... the Slow Way
As graduation drew closer in college, we had a lot companies come to campus to recruit and do interviews. (That is one of the big...

Painfully Disconnected
Shortly after moving to San Diego and starting my web design business in 2002, I went to meet with my first prospect. It was a referral...

Real Authenticity - A 21 Day Challenge
Starting tomorrow, I am doing a 21-day writing challenge and I am going to focus on authenticity. With social media, people are sharing...

What’s Your Motivation?
This January, I am doing an online 30-day personal development program. One of the first things we addressed was health and fitness. The...

It’s Messy
This past Sunday was my older son’s 15th birthday. The card he got from his one aunt and uncle said something to the effect that he is...

Getting Past Writer’s Block
One of the best ways for service professionals to stay in front of prospects and demonstrate their expertise is through a newsletter or...

Drive-By Advertising
A few days ago, I heard an advertisement for bail bonds on the radio. While I am not sure what radio station I was listening to at the...

Working the System
Last week, I had a conversation with a prospect that gets most of her new business through referral partners. Her challenge was that she...

Understanding What You Do
In the past two weeks, three prospects have contacted me. That is a lot for me as I do not do much marketing other than networking....

Finding the perfect gift
Next week, two of my nephews have birthdays. They live in Kentucky, so we do not get to see them too often. That makes me want to get...